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Hurt Tea

Writer's picture: T’s TruthT’s Truth

We’ve all been there at some point or another, hurt by someone else’s actions or words. Sometimes it’s intentional and other times it isn’t. Often times its by someone who you thought would never hurt you. Truth be told, it has to be inflicted by someone you have some type of feelings for, or else it wouldn’t hurt, right? The pain may be so great that it takes the grace of God not to end up on the 6 o’clock news or in jail... (let’s keep it real). Or it could be so painful that it literally takes the breath from your lungs. How do you survive? How do you begin to trust again?

Hurt can come in various forms and depending on what area of your life it affects, there are different ways to handle it. Work, family, marriage, friendships, just about any relationship you have has the potential to hurt you. It’s up to you to have a discerning spirit and really look at people and situations for what they are.

Sometimes you have to ask yourself hard questions: Is this hurt a result of your actions? Were there signs that this person/situation was capable of causing hurt, but you ignored it? If your answer is yes, then you have to realize that you played your part in what you’re feeling. Accept your responsibility in it and move forward. If you were completely blindsided by a loved one or a situation it may take a little more time to reconcile what has happened. Take the time necessary to figure out your next move. How will you get through and work toward healing?

Hurt is an unfortunate fact of life. Everyone at some point will experience it. But that hurt doesn’t have to rule you. It doesn’t have to become who you are. There’s nothing worse than someone who’s constantly living in “victimhood”! Sis, life happens. It’s full of ups and downs and twist-a-bouts! How you handle it is up to you. Own the hurt, assess what the hurt means for you, and even be grateful for the hurt. Hurt makes you stronger and allows you to grow in ways that maybe wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

You also have to understand that everyone is human and intitled to mistakes. Yes, someone else’s mistake may cost you hurt feelings, money, your peace of mind, etc. Being hurt by someone doesn’t make them your enemy, it doesn’t make them less than… it makes them human, just like you. The day may come when you may hurt someone (intentionally or not) and you’d want them to forgive and give you grace just as you should to them. Life is too short to allow hurt to follow and rule your life. Let it go sis, let it go!

What’s your advice? How have you let go of your hurt?

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Monica Stokes-Butler
Monica Stokes-Butler
Jul 06, 2020

For me I have learned to pray for my enemies and for those who have caused hurt or pain in my life (intention or not) and not retaliate. I have never been afraid to say when I’m wrong or apologize if I did something to hurt someone. I’m still a work in progress- I just don’t like drama!


shelbi larkin
shelbi larkin
Jun 21, 2020

I can definitely relate to this. Sometimes it’s so easy to point blame in a certain direction and never acknowledge that part we played in the situation. Have to do a quick self assessment, so I wouldn’t continue the same behavior!!!


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