Hey guys… I know it's been a while since you’ve heard from me and truthfully I just hadn't been in the mental space to write. When I started T’s Truth, I promised myself that I would post truthfully and authentically. I never wanted to feel forced to post something that wasn't really on my heart. I also didn’t want to make this blog all about my struggles or what I'm dealing within my marriage because honestly, it’s very personal. I know I’ve let you in on some of it, however, I will still keep most of it between my husband and me. So I decided to take a step back for a bit and now I'm back!.
That being said, I'm back and refreshed ready to take on new topics and share my truths!!! Just to catch you up on what's been going on in my world. It has been a year since my whole life has been turned upside down since I found out about my husband's on-going affair that resulted in children and since I admitted my own affair. This whole election cycle has had me pretty anxious and of course, COVID-19 with the numbers fluctuating it's just been a really, really crazy. Through all of this, my spiritual life has been amazing. In all that I’ve gone through and in these uncertain times, there were moments where I felt I had nobody to lean on, but my faith in the Lord has helped me tremendously. During this time I also extended T's Truth into the world of podcasting! It's another way for us to stay connected as we naviagate through life! You can check it out here.
It feels amazing to be in the place I’m in. I can honestly say I thought it would take awhile to be in the place of peace I'm in today. Life didn’t stop because of my marriage crisis. I still had to go to work and my kids depended on me now more than ever. I had to keep on going. I'm sure you know that life isn’t going to stop because your going through a personal attack. You've got to keep moving. How do you do plan to do that? Are you going lean on your faith or your family and friends? Or are you going to grab life by the horns and just keep moving forward? I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, it is absolutely okay to have a pity party to take some time and cry and wonder why me. That's normal. That's going to happen. But how long are you going to stay in that place? People have been going through every sitation you can think of since the beginning of time and they made it, they survived it. You will too!
My faith, friends and family and me focusing on my well-being have all been the vital for my survival. I joined a service and advocacy organization last year that will keep me busy and help me focus on something other than my current situation. My children's activities have also been helping me focus on them and their wellbeing through all of this. Having these other responsibilities have been healthy for me because they’ve allowed me to let go and really let God handle it, especially the areas in which I felt like no growth or change was happening. I've been moving on and doing what I know how to do and what I can’t control I turn over to God!
You cannot let the storms you face stop you from living life. Put your time and effort into something that will make you feel good. You may be in a valley right now, but as long as you keep moving you'll reach your mountain top and the things that you're facing today are going to seem like distant memories. As long as you have air in your lungs, you have the opportunity to change and to make your life the way that you want it. You can work everyday to be the best version of yourself. Remember, you have the responsibility to your family, friends, and those who’s path you cross to go through life have experiences and to share those experiences to help them get through much easier than what you did. Go through your life, face your struggles, your great times, your dreams, and everything in between with your head held high. You never know whose life depends on you living yours, the good, bad and the ugly. You’re going to be good!
This was needed!! God knows what you need to hear and when you need to hear it.