HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2020 was a beast in so many ways and yet we made it! We are so blessed to be “on this side of the ground” because the sad truth is so many people aren’t. We have been given another chance to get it right; mend broken relationships, start new endeavors, focus on ourselves more, etc. Whatever you didn’t get right in 2020, now’s your chance!
Having a positive attitude is the first step to making changes. Now I am not the best person to talk about having a positive attitude. One thing that I've found I do is expect negative things to happen so that way when it does, I'm not heartbroken or I'm not upset or completely caught off guard. Having this mindset has forced me to focus more on the negative than the positive. Can I just tell you how exhausting it is to always be worried and anxious just waiting for the other shoe to drop?
T, how can I be positive when my life isn’t going the way I planned? Can your situation be worse? Are you still alive? Do you still have your job and a place to live? Is your family still healthy? Now, this is not to downplay whatever you may be facing but it’s to help you focus on the good that is happening in your life. Storms only last forward but a period of time. I agree that it’s easier to focus on the bad, because the bad things seem to be illuminated. It’s easier to have a funky attitude, it’s easier to cry and be depressed. But what if we attacked bad situations in a differently? What if we decided not to allow our attitudes to be ugly or ours lights be dimmed? That’s what’s expected. But what if we “tricked” life and maintained a positive attitude no matter what? In my situation it would be so much easier to hate my husband, to hate the other woman, to hate the children, to hate relationships, to become jaded in all things dealing with men and their penis’. But I’ve chosen to be positive. I’ve chosen to see how things can eventually be vs. how things currently look, I’ve chosen to love ALL involved in our situation instead of hate. Yes, it’s hard as hell. Yes, I still question my sanity, but what I’ve realized is that having a positive attitude has kept me sane. Jealosy, anger, revenge, depression, or anxiety aren’t going to change the direction my life has taken. Having a positive attitude will!
The truth of the matter is life is full of ups and downs. While things are looking and up and good, enjoy it. When things get rough, which they undoubtedly will, you still have breath in your body to make the change in your life you want to see. The key step in this is to have a positive attitude. You have to know in your heart and have faith that things are going to work out the way it’s supposed to. I truly believe that if we start having a positive attitude about everything and every situation, it’ll be that much harder to become anxious, or to worry, or to get depressed. Don’t allow negative thoughts to corrupt your well-being in 2021. A positive attitude and positive energy will go a long way. I know it’s easier said than done, but let’s make a vow in 2021 to be positive and encourage others to be positive as well. A positive attitude is contagious.
In 2021 I have decided to focus on the positive, to focus on what I want my life to look like and not what I may see or what may have happened in the past. I have decided to smile no matter how bad I want to cry. I have decided to be grateful and thankful no matter how I feel. I have decided to give God the praise anyhow, because in spite of what I've been through or what I'm going to go through I am still blessed, and I know that He still loves me and will never forsake me.
Keep going! We got this!
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